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Hispanics are less likely to regularly see a doctor, per study

13 08 08 - 14:15

Study finds many Hispanics forgoing routine health care
By Vianna Davila - Mercury News

The last time Robert Verceles went to the doctor for a regular physical was four years ago - and that's only because his job required it.

Verceles, 41, has health insurance, and he has a doctor. But he only visits him when "I can't take care of it myself," said the San Jose man.

That attitude isn't uncommon among Hispanics - especially young men - living in the United States. One of the largest surveys of Hispanics on health found that they are less likely to regularly see a doctor, even when insurance and language are not factors.

The findings, released today, suggest major health implications for the nation's fastest-growing minority group. While Hispanics generally suffer fewer chronic diseases than most adults, when they do get sick they're diagnosed at later stages of disease, which are harder - and costlier - to treat.

Other findings by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:

• About 27 percent of Hispanics don't regularly see a doctor even though many of them have medical insurance; a majority of this group speak English or are bilingual.

• Native-born, English-speaking Hispanics are more likely to use the Internet or newspapers for health information; foreign-born Spanish speakers stick to Spanish-language television and radio.

• 64 percent of Hispanics said the health information they got from the media prompted them to change their diet or exercise routines.

The figures demonstrate the continuing need for health care practitioners to reach out to a Hispanic community that often puts more trust in Spanish-language television than in the medical system.
"It reflects the health system not being welcoming to our culture," said Adolph Falcon, vice president for science and policy at the National Alliance for Hispanic Health.

But the study also showed that Hispanic immigrants were less likely to have access to a regular doctor or health insurance, compared with those born in the United States.

"That's the real gap I think we're facing: the ability to provide a medical home for a spectrum of this population," said Dr. William Vega, professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California-Los Angeles, who assisted with the study.

As a whole, Hispanics are more than twice as likely to lack a regular health provider as non-Hispanics, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

About 45 million Hispanics live in the United States - and that's projected to grow to 128 million by 2050. For the phone survey, researchers interviewed 4,013 Hispanic adults in both Spanish and English last summer. The survey's margin of error was plus or minus 1.83 percentage points.

Most respondents who didn't have health providers said they didn't think they needed one. That a large share of the Hispanics without a regular doctor were born in the United States, and have at least a high school diploma, suggests "that it's not only financial reasons that are keeping Latinos from the doctors," said Gretchen Livingston, senior researcher at the Pew Hispanic Center.

"Having a health care system that's comfortable and accepting for the Hispanic population is much more than language," Falcon said. For instance, Hispanics are more likely to make decisions based on family consensus. The current health care system is "really set up for individual decision making."

The report also highlights the diversity within the population, said Debra Joy Perez, senior program officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Cubans and Puerto Ricans in the United States are more likely to consult traditional folk healers, study results showed; those who live closer to the U.S.-Mexico border more regularly seek health care outside the country.

Health needs continue to evolve. Foreign-born Hispanics may come from countries where less emphasis is put on regular health checkups, but their health tends to deteriorate the longer they remain in this country.

For instance, Dolores Ibarra's son Jesus, 2, has health coverage through the state's program for children. However, she continues to rely on traditional remedies from Mexico. The system here, she said in Spanish, is "too difficult" - expensive and bewildering for the new immigrant.

Overall, most Hispanics surveyed reported they were satisfied with their health care experiences in the United States.

Haydee Martinez recently visited the MayView Community Health Center in Mountain View with her new baby, 8-day-old Kamila, who was swaddled in a soft baby blanket as a nurse practitioner cooed over mother and baby.

Martinez said staff members have treated her well, and she hoped to get a job so she could afford a regular doctor.

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