Anthem Blue PPO Dental plan brochure
Oral health affects both physical and mental wellness-and therefore quality of life. That's why Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers the Anthem Blue PPO Dental Plan for individuals and families. We designed our PPO dental plan with two goals in mind: to promote good dental hygiene and preventive care, important elements in a total health care package, and to provide you with the dental benefits you need in a convenient, cost-conscious manner.
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Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield - Nevada
HIA - Lumenos HIA Plan
Lumenos HIA Plan brochure
The person most responsible for your health? You. The plan most supportive of your health? Lumenos HIA, a consumer-driven health plan from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
Think of “health plan” and what comes to mind? Most likely, coverage that helps pay the cost of medical care when you’re sick or injured.
We’re out to change your thinking.
With the Lumenos Health Incentive Account (HIA) Plan-an innovative consumer-driven health plan for individuals and families from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield-protection against medical expenses is only part of the story.
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HSA - Anthem Blue 2600
Anthem Blue 2600 plan brochure
For individuals and families who expect few or no health care expenses. The plan is a high-deductible health plan that meets federal guidelines for clients who want to establish a health savings account to save for future qualified medical expenses.
For custom rate quote based on your specific information on Anthem Blue HSA 2600 plan Click here.
HSA - Lumenos HSA Plan
Lumenos HSA Plan brochure
The person most responsible for your health? You. The plan most supportive of your health? Lumenos HSA, a consumer-driven health plan from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
Think of "health plan" and what comes to mind? Most likely, coverage that just helps pay the cost of medical care when you're sick or injured. We’re out to change your thinking.
With our Lumenos Health Savings Account (HSA) Plan-an innovative consumer-driven health plan for individuals and families from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield-protection against high medical expenses is only part of the story.
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HSA - Qualified High-deductible Health Plans
Qualified High-deductible Health plans brochure
Here’s how it works:
. You enroll in an HSA-qualified highdeductible health plan.
. You establish an interest-bearing health savings account.
. You and other individuals may make tax-advantaged contributions, up to certain limits, to your HSA.
. Use the HSA to pay for qualified medical expenses for you, your spouse and qualified tax dependents.
. Any unused money in the HSA carries over to the following year.
. You own the HSA. It continues to grow on a tax-deferred basis.
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PPO - Anthem Blue 5000
Anthem Blue 5000 plan brochure
Best for healthy families who expect few or no health care expenses. The plan includes coverage for office visits, preventive care for adults, babies and children, lab work and X-rays, and more. This plan has a higher deductible with a low monthly premium.
For custom rate quote based on your specific information on Anthem Blue 5000 plan Click here.
PPO - Anthem Blue Saver 2000
Anthem Blue Saver 2000 plan brochure
For individuals and families interested primarily in hospital coverage and reduced outpatient benefits. It has a lower deductible and monthly premium.
For custom rate quote based on your specific information on Anthem Blue Saver 2000 plan Click here.
PPO - BluePreferred PPO
BluePreferred PPO brochure
When you don't have employersponsored health insurance, choosing the right health care plan becomes even more important - because you need dependable protection from high health care expenses. At Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, we understand. That's why we offer BluePreferred PPO for Individuals.
Our BluePreferred PPO plans provide affordable coverage you can count on. They offer comprehensive benefits, convenience and access to one of the state's largest provider networks - all at competitive rates. Most importantly, BluePreferred PPO plans are backed by the strength, stability and security of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
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PPO - RightPlan PPO 40
RaghtPlan PPO 40 brochure
Even if you're healthy, you could be caught off-guard by an unexpected illness, injury or serious accident.
Health Care expenses can quickly add up to staggering financial loss. RighPlan PPO 40 can help limit your out-of-pocket costs, protect your assets and safeguard your future earnings.
You can get even more value from your health plan by taking advantage of programs and services to help you stay healthy - such as preventive care screenings, health and wellness programs, and healthy living resources at
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PPO - SmartSense
SmartSense plan brochure
. Reliable, basic protection with some of our lowest monthly rates
. Choose the annual deductible/monthly rate combination that works for you
. Immediate benefits for first three visits to a doctor
. Choice of prescription drug benefits (Comprehensive Rx or Generic Only Rx)
. Health Plan pays up to $7,000,000 per member in lifetime benefits
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PPO - Tonik Plans
You're young. You're healthy. But life is upredictable. All it takes is one slip, one fall, one wipeout, and the financial pain can outweigh the physical. Whether you're laid out on the snow, sand or grass, you're going to wish you were covered.
Tonik offers three straight-up affordable health insurance plans to cover your A-Z.
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Short-Term plans
Short-Term plans brochure
Whether you've just graduated from college, are between jobes or are waiting for permanent coverage at your new job, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield's short-term plans offer the immediate coverage you need.
Short-Term plans offer coverage from 30 to 180 days, deductibles from $250 to $2,000, and the ability to begin or end coverage any day of the month.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield's short-term plans provide coverage you can count on with comprehensive benefits, convenience and access to one the state's largest provider networks - all at very competitive rates. But most importantly, these short-term plnas are backed by the strength, stability and security of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and of Nevada's largest insurers and one the the most trusted names in halth care benefits.
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