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HSA - Qualified High-deductible Health Plans
Qualified High-deductible Health plans brochure
Here’s how it works:
. You enroll in an HSA-qualified highdeductible health plan.
. You establish an interest-bearing health savings account.
. You and other individuals may make tax-advantaged contributions, up to certain limits, to your HSA.
. Use the HSA to pay for qualified medical expenses for you, your spouse and qualified tax dependents.
. Any unused money in the HSA carries over to the following year.
. You own the HSA. It continues to grow on a tax-deferred basis.
HDHP Features
. There are no copayments at the time you receive care.
. Except for certain preventive care benefits, you must meet the deductible before you begin receiving coverage.
. Once the deductible is met, benefits are based on coinsurance. Your plan will pay either 100 percent or 70 percent for in-network covered services up to your out-of-pocket maximum, depending on the plan you choose.
. Prescription drugs are applied toward the medical deductible and the outof-pocket maximum. Coinsurance also applies.
. Once you reach the out-of-pocket maximum, Anthem pays 100 percent for in-network covered services under all HDHPs.
For custom rate quote based on your specific information on HSA-qualified High-deductible Health Plans Click here.