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HMO - Access+ Value HMO and Access+ HMO Plans
Access+ Value HMO and Access+ HMO plans brochure
Blue Shield’s affordable HMO plans offer a predictable, cost-efficient way to manage your health care, especially if you or your dependents visit the doctor often, and help you navigate the healthcare system.
You'll have easy access to a wide range of routine and preventive care services for a small copayment, before having to meet a deductible.
Access+ Value HMO and Access+ HMO plan advantages
. Affordable $20/$35 office visit copayments; $10 copayments for generic drug prescriptions.
. See a specialist in your Personal Physician's participating medical group/IPA without a referral for a$35/$50 copayment.
. One of the largest HMO networks in California, so it’s easy to find a doctor or hospital.
. Basic dental services included with Access+ HMO.
. No lifetime maximum on plan benefits.
. Virtually no claim forms.
. Knowledgeable customer service representatives ready to help you and answer your questions
For more information and benefits details of Access+ Value HMO and Access+ HMO Plans Click here.
For custom rate quote based on your specific information on Blue Shield's plans Click here.