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PPO - Vital Shield Plus plans
Vital Shield Plus plans brochure
Vital Shield Plus plans give you same coverage as Vital Shield plans plus a lower deductible option, plus brand or generic prescription drug options, plus lower office visits and preventive care copayments. Vital Shield Plus plans offer you and your family the Vital health coverage you need to protect yourself against the high costs of hospitalization, surgery and other major medical events. And with not maternity coverage and generic prescription drug coverage options, you aren't paying for services you don't expect to use.
Vital Shield Plus plans advantages
. Control your monthly rate by choosing a low annual deductible of $400, a moderate deductible of $900, or a higher deductible of $2,900.
. 5 calendar-year office visits for preventive care, before you have to meet the deductible, so you will get the care you need in case of injury.
. Generic prescription drug coverage right away, before you have to meet a deductible, for only $10 at network pharmacies.
. You are covered at 100% after you meet the coinsurance maximum, so you're protected when you need it most.
. If you do not meet your annual medical deductible in a calandar year, you can "carry-over" the amount accrued, from October to December of that year, and
apply it towards your annual medical deductible for the following year.
For custom rate quote based on your specific information on Vital Shield Plus plans Click here