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More funding for community health centers will save money, create jobs, and help millions of Americans stay healthy, per Tom Daschle

22 01 09 - 12:09

Local health centers key to care

Community health centers provide quality primary care at a significant savings for millions of Americans, but 60 million Americans still lack meaningful access to primary health care, dental care, mental health counseling and low-cost prescription drugs.

Those are the people Health and Human Services Secretary-designate Tom Daschle was talking about when he wrote that “even if we achieve ‘universal’ coverage, there will be some percentage of people who still fall through the cracks.”

So as Congress and the new administration take on both our economic and health care crises, putting significantly more resources into community health centers would be a smart way to save money, create jobs and help millions of Americans stay healthy.

Community health care programs have been around for a long time. People accept them as a part of their everyday lives. More than 40 years ago, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy had the foresight to author legislation creating community health centers. Today, support for the successful Federally Qualified Health Center program cuts across party lines. The program was significantly expanded under former President George W. Bush, but we can do much better. One person who agrees with us is President Barack Obama, who last year co-sponsored a bill in the Senate to significantly expand the program.

Today, community health centers provide primary medical care to 18 million Americans in underserved rural areas and inner cities. Their doors are open to all, including patients with Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance, as well as those who have no insurance at all. Furthermore, the centers provide their services on a sliding-scale basis, meaning that those with low incomes receive discounts. No patient who walks into a community health center is turned away because he or she cannot pay.

Our current $2 billion-per-year investment in community health centers provides comprehensive primary health care through 1,100 community-run, nonprofit organizations in every region of the country. The average cost in federal funds comes to about $125 per patient per year. By increasing funding to less than 0.5 percent of overall U.S. spending on medical care, we could provide primary health care to every American who needs it. In other words, for a total of $8.3 billion by the year 2015, we could have 4,800 health centers caring for 60 million more Americans in every area of the country that is designated medically underserved.

In addition to meeting compelling needs, this upfront investment would more than pay for itself. Reports indicate that overall medical expenses for health center patients are 41 percent lower than for patients seen elsewhere. In the case of Medicaid alone, the total cost per patient is almost $1,000 less per year than for Medicaid patients treated in other settings. This is achieved by treating people when they should be treated, instead of relying on expensive emergency rooms and unnecessary hospital admissions. In fact, community health centers are estimated to reduce health care spending in the United States by between $10 billion and $18 billion annually.

It is not often that we are presented such a clear win-win situation: a program that meets critical needs while reducing expenditures by more than it costs. No wonder federal auditors consistently rate community health centers as one of the most efficient uses of federal funds.

In the richest country in the world, no American should go without basic health care. Community health centers are a critical lifeline for millions of Americans, and we must build upon their success by making them available to all those in need.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, is a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Rep. Jim Clyburn, a South Carolina Democrat, is the House majority whip.




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